How to Cope With Postpartum Abdominal Pain

After giving birth to my first child, I was hit with a wave of postpartum abdominal pain that left me feeling helpless.

The sharp, constant throbbing made it difficult to complete even basic tasks like getting out of bed or holding my newborn. I felt like I was in a constant state of agony, and struggling to find relief only exacerbated my pain.

Through trial and error, I eventually found a few coping strategies that helped me manage my postpartum abdominal pain.

From incorporating gentle exercises and stretches into my daily routine to seeking out the support of a postpartum doula, these small steps helped me regain a sense of control and relief.

Postpartum abdominal pain can be overwhelming and exhausting. Understanding what causes this discomfort and how to cope with it can make all the difference in your recovery process. Let’s dive in and get to know how you can cope with the pain!

Understanding Postpartum Abdominal Pain

During the postpartum period, your body goes through numerous changes and adjustments. One of the most common experiences is abdominal pain, which can last for several weeks after giving birth.

For me personally, the pain felt like a constant ache in my lower belly that intensified when I moved or lifted something heavy.

There are different types of postpartum abdominal pain you might experience, such as afterpains or constipation-related discomforts caused by anesthesia during delivery. It’s also not uncommon to pass blood clots during this time. 

Understanding what type of pain you’re experiencing can help you find suitable coping strategies and remedies to alleviate it so that you can focus on enjoying motherhood without constantly feeling discomforted.

Causes of Postpartum Abdominal Pain

There are several causes of postpartum abdominal pain that you should be aware of.

  • Uterine contractions: Afterpains are the uterine contractions that happen as your uterus shrinks back to its pre-pregnancy size. These contractions may cause cramping and discomfort in your lower abdomen.
  • Perineal tearing or incisions: If you had an episiotomy (an incision made in the perineum during childbirth), or experienced any tearing during delivery, it’s possible to experience soreness and tenderness around your belly area.
  • Inflammation or infection: Postpartum infections can occur due to hormonal changes in your body and weakened immune system after delivery. Symptoms of inflammation or infection include fever, increased vaginal discharge with odor, blood clots passing through vagina among others.

It is important for new moms to understand what could cause their postpartum abdominal pains so they can seek help when necessary.

Symptoms associated with postpartum abdominal pain

Some of the symptoms that I experienced included sharp, cramp-like pains in my lower abdomen, tenderness and overall discomfort that made it difficult to move and perform even simple tasks. 

I also had some bloating and digestive issues, which made the pain feel even worse. It’s important to note that every woman’s experience with postpartum abdominal pain is different, and it’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor if you’re experiencing any concerning symptoms.

Types of Postpartum Abdominal Pain

After giving birth, it’s common to experience different types of postpartum abdominal pain. One type is cramping pain which feels similar to menstrual cramps and can be caused by the uterus contracting back to its pre-pregnancy size. 

Another type of abdominal pain is sharp stabbing pain that may occur due to afterpains or the passing of blood clots.

Types of Postpartum Abdominal Pain

Postpartum abdominal pain can be caused by different factors such as uterine contractions, afterpains, constipation or gas buildup.

On the other hand, dull achy pain in the belly can also be experienced after giving birth and may be related to constipation or gas buildup. 

It’s important for postpartum women experiencing any kind of abdominal discomfort to monitor their symptoms closely and seek medical attention if required. 

Coping Strategies for Postpartum Abdominal Pain

To cope with the discomfort, I found the following techniques and strategies that worked for me. Consistently doing them brought some changes on how I felt:

1. Pain Management Techniques

When it comes to managing postpartum abdominal pain, there are a few techniques that have worked for me. One of the most accessible options is over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. 

Though it’s important to check with your doctor before taking any medication while breastfeeding, these simple pills can take the edge off and make daily activities more manageable.

Another technique I’ve found helpful is alternating between heat and ice therapy on my abdomen. When things get particularly sore, placing a heating pad or warm towel on my belly can provide soothing relief. 

But when inflammation is high, switching to an ice pack works wonders in reducing swelling and numbing some of the discomfort.

Finally, practicing deep breathing exercises has been instrumental in helping me manage my postpartum abdominal pain.

Taking slow inhales through the nose and exhaling deeply through pursed lips not only helps calm anxiety but also increases oxygen flow throughout the body which may reduce muscle tension and alleviate pain.

It’s important to talk with your healthcare provider about developing a personalized plan that suits your needs so you too can find relief from this common yet challenging symptom of motherhood.

2. Physical Therapy Exercises

Pelvic tilts and bridges, Kegel exercises, and diaphragmatic breathing are some of the most effective physical therapy exercises for postpartum abdominal pain. 

Pelvic tilts can help relieve lower back pain by strengthening the muscles in your pelvis and abdomen. Bridges, on the other hand, can engage your glutes and core muscles to alleviate pressure on your lower back.

Kegel exercises target the pelvic floor muscles that support your bladder, uterus, rectum, and intestines. Practicing kegels regularly can prevent urinary incontinence or control it if it’s already present after childbirth. 

Diaphragmatic breathing helps stabilize your core while promoting relaxation throughout the body. This exercise is particularly useful for reducing tension in abdominal muscles that may be contributing to postpartum pain.

3. Relaxation Techniques

When dealing with postpartum abdominal pain, it’s important to find ways to relax and take care of yourself. One effective method is through meditation and mindfulness practices.

By focusing on your breath and being present in the moment, you can alleviate stress and tension in the body.

Another way to relax is by taking some “me time” for self-care activities like reading a book or taking a relaxing bath. It’s easy to forget about personal needs when caring for a newborn, but giving yourself permission to unwind can make all the difference.

Finally, practicing yoga poses designed for postpartum recovery can also help soothe abdominal pain while reducing stress levels. These gentle stretches are specifically tailored towards new mothers’ bodies and can provide much-needed relief from discomfort.

Self-Care Tips for Postpartum Abdominal Pain

When it comes to postpartum abdominal pain, self-care is crucial. I found that making small changes in my daily routine helped manage the pain.

Dietary Changes

I found that making dietary changes has been a crucial component in managing my postpartum abdominal pain. Here are some of the adjustments I made:

  • Incorporating more fiber-rich foods into my diet, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables
  • Avoiding spicy or greasy meals that can trigger inflammation and discomfort
  • Adding probiotics to my diet through sources like yogurt or supplements to promote healthy digestion

While these changes may seem small, they had a significant impact on reducing the severity and frequency of my abdominal pain.

Sleep Hygiene

Napping during the day was a game-changer for me. I didn’t realize how much fatigue and exhaustion could impact my overall health and wellbeing. Taking short naps throughout the day helped me recharge my battery so that I can tackle whatever comes next with more energy.

Using a comfortable pillow for support is another small change that made a big difference in my sleep hygiene routine. 

Whether it’s supporting my back or propping up my legs to relieve pressure on my hips, having pillows that fit comfortably under different parts of my body helped me stay comfortable throughout the night.

Creating a relaxing bedtime routine was key to managing postpartum abdominal pain. My nightly ritual included some gentle stretching, deep breathing exercises, and reading something calming or uplifting before turning out the light. It took only 15-20 minutes but set the tone for restful sleep and less pain come morning time.


Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is crucial for postpartum women experiencing abdominal pain. Not only does it provide hydration, but it also helps with digestion and bowel movements. 

I found that limiting caffeine and sugary drinks helped to reduce my discomfort, as these can irritate the digestive system. Instead, I made sure to have a glass of warm water with lemon in the morning to start my day off on a hydrating note.

Staying hydrated may seem like a small step, but it can make a huge difference when dealing with postpartum abdominal pain.

By incorporating more water into your daily routine and avoiding triggers like caffeine and sugar, you may find relief from discomfort and bloating. 

Don’t forget about the simple benefits of warm water with lemon – this easy addition can help kickstart your body’s natural processes each morning!

When to Seek Medical Attention

It can be tough to know when postpartum abdominal pain is normal and when it’s cause for concern. As a new mom going through it myself, I found that any sudden or severe pain should never be ignored. If you’re experiencing sharp pains or bleeding heavily after delivery, seek medical attention immediately.

a mom experiencing postpartum abdominal pain

Another important thing to keep in mind is that everyone’s recovery process will look different. If you’re feeling like something isn’t right with your body, don’t hesitate to consult with your healthcare provider. 

They’ll have the expertise needed to determine what’s normal and what requires further investigation or treatment. Your health and well-being are top priorities during this time of transition into motherhood!

Red Flags to Watch For

Excessive bleeding, fever or chills, and severe and worsening abdominal pain are all red flags to watch for when experiencing postpartum abdominal pain. 

It is important to keep track of the amount of blood loss as well as any signs of infection such as a fever or chills. Any sudden increase in abdominal pain that becomes severe should also be taken seriously.

Ignoring these warning signs can lead to serious complications such as hemorrhage or an untreated infection which could potentially become life-threatening. 

If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. Your health and safety are top priority during this time of recovery after birth.

Consulting with a Healthcare Provider

When dealing with postpartum abdominal pain, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure that you’re taking the necessary steps towards recovery. Here are some things you can expect during your consultation:

  • Discussing pain management options: Your healthcare provider will likely ask about the severity and duration of your abdominal pain in order to determine what type of pain management would be most effective for you.
  • Assessing for potential complications such as infection or uterine rupture: It’s important for your healthcare provider to check if there are any underlying issues causing your abdominal pain that may require further medical attention.
  • Exploring alternative treatments like physical therapy or acupuncture: Depending on the cause of your abdominal pain, alternative treatments like physical therapy or acupuncture may be recommended as part of a holistic approach towards healing.

Remember, always trust yourself and don’t hesitate to ask questions or express concerns during this consultation.


The key coping strategies for postpartum abdominal pain include taking pain relief medication as prescribed, engaging in gentle exercise such as walking or yoga, using heat therapy through warm compresses or a heating pad, practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation, and seeking professional medical help if the pain persists or becomes severe. 

Remember to prioritize self-care and communicate openly with your healthcare provider about your symptoms and concerns.

You are not alone in this journey, and with time and proper care, you can overcome postpartum abdominal pain and enjoy the precious moments with your new baby.

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