How can I stop morning sickness in early pregnancy?

Morning sickness during pregnancy can be a rollercoaster of emotions and physical discomfort. As a mom-to-be, you might find yourself battling waves of nausea that make even the thought of breakfast unbearable.

But fear not, because in this blog post, we will delve into the world of morning sickness and explore some tips and tricks to help combat it.

So grab a cup of ginger tea (known for its anti-nausea properties) and let’s plummet right in!

What is Morning Sickness?

Morning sickness is a common condition experienced by many pregnant women in the early stages of pregnancy.

It is characterized by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to certain smells.

While it is called “morning” sickness, these symptoms can occur at any time of the day. Drinking fluids and maintaining stable blood sugar levels can help alleviate the discomfort.

Although morning sickness is usually mild and goes away on its own after the first trimester, severe cases known as hyperemesis gravidarum may require medical attention.

Hyperemesis gravidarum involves excessive vomiting that can lead to dehydration and weight loss.

If you are experiencing persistent and severe symptoms of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment options.

Why does Morning Sickness Happen?

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause morning sickness.

The increased levels of estrogen in the body can have an impact on the stomach, leading to feelings of nausea and vomiting.

Additionally, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone produced during early pregnancy, has been found to play a role in causing these symptoms.

When does Morning Sickness Start and How Long Does It Last?

Typical Timeline for the Onset of Morning Sickness:

For many pregnant women, morning sickness starts around 6 weeks into pregnancy.

However, it can vary and some may experience it as early as 4 weeks.

Duration and Variations in the Length of Morning Sickness Episodes:

Morning sickness typically lasts until the end of the first trimester, around week 12-14. However, every woman is different and some may experience it for a shorter or longer period.

It’s important to remember that morning sickness is a common condition during early pregnancy and usually resolves on its own with time.

‘Morning’ Misconception: When Nausea can Occur Throughout the Day

Despite its name, morning sickness doesn’t always happen only in the morning.

Nausea can strike at any time during the day or night. It’s helpful to eat small, frequent meals and drink fluids to keep your blood sugar stable throughout the day.

Tips to Combat Morning Sickness

1. Embrace the Power of Ginger

This spicy root has been my lifesaver during early pregnancy!

Ginger soothes nausea and settles your tummy, making it a must-have remedy for morning sickness.

Try ginger tea, ginger ale, or even ginger candies to keep those queasy feelings at bay.

  • Sip on warm ginger tea throughout the day
  • Keep some ginger candies handy for instant relief

2. Small, Frequent Meals to the Rescue

Small, frequent meals can be a lifesaver. Instead of overwhelming your stomach with large portions, opt for smaller bites throughout the day.

This keeps your blood sugar stable and prevents that dreaded queasy feeling from creeping up on you.

Plus, snacking on nutritious options like fruits and nuts adds an extra boost of energy to help you power through the day.

Say goodbye to those long stretches between meals! By incorporating small, frequent meals into your daily routine, you provide a steady stream of nutrients for both you and your growing baby.

These mini-meals not only keep hunger at bay but also help ward off nausea by keeping your tummy satisfied without overwhelming it.

So grab some healthy snacks and embrace the power of this simple yet effective strategy in conquering morning sickness during early pregnancy.

3. Stay Hydrated, But Skip the Chugging

Stay Hydrated, But Skip the Chugging:

  • Sip on water throughout the day to stay hydrated without overwhelming your stomach.
  • Try adding slices of fresh lemon or cucumber to your water for a refreshing twist.
  • Opt for hydrating foods like watermelon, grapes, and cucumbers.
  • Avoid drinking large amounts of fluids at once as it can worsen nausea.

4. Sniff Those Wonderful Scents

Indulge your senses in the delightful world of scents to alleviate morning sickness.

Take a deep breath and savor the sweet aroma of citrus fruits like lemon and orange; their zesty fragrance can work wonders on queasy tummy.

Or try comforting scents like lavender or chamomile, as their soothing aromas have been known to calm nausea.

Fill your space with these wonderful scents and let them whisk away those unpleasant feelings.

5. Peppermint: Not Just for Candy Canes

Peppermint is more than just a festive flavor. Its soothing properties can help ease your queasy stomach and provide relief during early pregnancy.

Sip on a cup of peppermint tea or suck on a peppermint candy to calm your tummy and settle those stubborn waves of nausea.

Embrace the power of this refreshing herb and bid farewell to morning sickness woes.

6. Get Some Fresh Air and Sunshine

6. Step Outside and Bask in the Sun’s Warm Embrace. Leave the confines of your home and embrace the rejuvenating power of fresh air and sunshine.

Let the sun’s gentle rays wash over you, providing a natural boost to your mood and energy levels.

Take a leisurely stroll in nature, allowing yourself to be captivated by the vibrant colors of blooming flowers and chirping birdsong.

Immerse yourself in this sensory experience, letting it transport you away from morning sickness woes for a blissful moment.

7. Distract Your Senses with Aromatherapy

When morning sickness strikes, distract your senses with the power of aromatherapy. Take a moment to indulge in soothing scents that can help alleviate nausea and discomfort.

Here’s how you can use aromatherapy to find relief:

  • Inhale lavender essential oil for its calming properties
  • Try lemon or citrus oils for their refreshing and energizing scent
  • Peppermint oil can provide a cooling sensation and aid digestion

Seeking Professional Help

1. Consult Your Doctor or Midwife

Consult your doctor or midwife who can provide guidance and potential remedies tailored to your specific needs.

Their expertise will ensure you receive the necessary support to alleviate your symptoms and make this journey more manageable.

Consult Your Doctor or Midwife:

  • Schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider to discuss your morning sickness symptoms and get personalized advice.
  • Share specific details about the frequency, duration, and severity of your nausea and vomiting episodes.
  • Mention any medications or supplements you are currently taking to ensure they are safe for use during pregnancy.
  • Ask about potential remedies such as anti-nausea medications or dietary changes that can help alleviate morning sickness.

2. Consider Acupuncture or Acupressure

I was skeptical at first, but acupuncture and acupressure truly helped alleviate my morning sickness during early pregnancy.

The tiny needles or gentle pressure on specific points in the body seemed to magically calm my queasiness.

It’s like they hit a reset button for my stomach, providing much-needed relief from those relentless waves of nausea.

The ancient practice of acupuncture and acupressure may offer a safe and drug-free way to combat morning sickness.

By stimulating certain points on your body, these techniques can help balance your energy flow and reduce nausea. Give it a try – you might be pleasantly surprised by the results!


Morning sickness might be an unwelcome companion during early pregnancy but implementing these tips can help minimize its impact on daily life.

Remember; stay hydrated, eat small meals throughout the day ,get plenty rest,and don’t forget about our trusty friend ginger!.

And if none of these strategies bring relief, talk professionals who specialize in prenatal care will have additional options up their sleeves. So hang tight mama, you’re doing great!


Tips for managing morning sickness can make a big difference in your daily routine. Small, frequent meals and snacks can help keep nausea at bay.

Experimenting with different foods to find what works best for you is key.

If symptoms persist or become severe, don’t hesitate to seek medical advice as professional input may be necessary.