7 Breastfeeding Pain Relief Tips for New Mothers

Breastfeeding is one of the most beautiful experiences for a mother and her baby, but it can also be quite painful in the beginning. I struggled with breastfeeding pain relief methods and often felt like giving up. 

Being a new mom, I quickly learned the importance of breastfeeding for both my baby and myself. Breast milk contains essential nutrients and antibodies that help protect my baby from illness and promote healthy growth. It also helps me bond with my baby and provides a sense of comfort and reassurance.

However, I also experienced the pain and discomfort that can come with breastfeeding. With time and some helpful tips, I was able to find relief from the discomfort.

That’s why I want to share my top 7 tips for relieving breastfeeding pain, based on my own experiences and research. By following these tips, you can overcome the challenges of breastfeeding and experience the many benefits it has to offer.

7 Breastfeeding Pain Relief Tips

I remember the first few days of breastfeeding being extremely painful. The following tips helped me big time:

1. Proper Latching Technique

Cradling your baby correctly is essential for proper latching technique. Hold your baby close to you with their head, neck, and spine aligned and use a breastfeeding pillow if needed. 

Make sure that their mouth is wide open before latching on to avoid discomfort or pain during breastfeeding. It’s best not to rush the process as it may take some time for your newborn to get used to the technique.

Avoid pulling or tugging the nipple while breastfeeding as this can lead to soreness and even cracked nipples.

If you feel pain during feeding, gently insert a finger between your baby’s mouth and your breast and try again until you find a comfortable position. 

Remember that proper latching takes practice but will eventually become second nature with perseverance over time.

2. Breast Massage

  • Use gentle circular motions with your fingers to massage the breast.
  • Express a small amount of milk before massaging for better results.
  • Massage while nursing to stimulate milk flow.

I found that breast massages were incredibly helpful in relieving breastfeeding pain. I would use gentle circular motions with my fingers on my breasts and express a small amount of milk before massaging, which helped improve the effectiveness of the massage.

Massaging while nursing also stimulated my milk flow, making it easier for me to feed my baby afterwards.

3. Cold Compresses

Apply cold compresses between feedings to ease the discomfort of swelling and pain. A chilled cabbage leaf can be a natural remedy for breast engorgement, which is common in the early days of breastfeeding when milk production increases rapidly. 

However, it’s important to avoid applying ice packs directly on nipples as this may cause damage or further irritation.

Here are some tips for using cold compresses effectively:

  • Wrap a bag of frozen peas or crushed ice in a thin towel before applying it to your breasts.
  • Apply the cold compress for 15-20 minutes at a time, several times throughout the day.
  • Take breaks between applications to allow your skin to warm up and prevent any potential damage from prolonged exposure.
  • Be careful not to overdo ittoo much cold can reduce milk production and prolong engorgement.

4. Warm Compresses

When I first started breastfeeding, the pain was unbearable at times. One thing that helped me find relief was using warm compresses on my breasts before feeding or pumping.

I’d place warm, moist towels on my breasts for a few minutes to help loosen up any clogged ducts and reduce overall discomfort.

Another trick I learned was to heat up rice-filled socks in the microwave and place them over sore areas of my breasts while nursing or pumping. 

The warmth helped soothe the pain and made it easier for milk to flow out smoothly. And if you really want some relaxation time, try taking a warm shower before breastfeeding – this can also help ease discomfort!

5. Hydration and Nutrition

Staying hydrated is crucial for breastfeeding mothers. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help keep you and your baby healthy.

Omega-3 fatty acids found in foods like salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts are also important to include in your diet as they may help reduce inflammation and improve breast milk quality. 

Additionally, consuming protein-rich foods such as lean meat and eggs can provide essential nutrients for both you and your baby’s health.

Taking care of yourself through proper hydration and nutrition can help alleviate breastfeeding pain while providing optimal nutrition for your little one. 

Incorporating these tips into your daily routine may make a big difference in how you feel during this special time with your new baby.

6. Pain Medication

Consult with your doctor before taking any pain medication while breastfeeding. Here are some guidelines to follow for pain relief:

  • Over-the-counter medication may be appropriate, but always check with a doctor first.
  • Ibuprofen can be taken occasionally, but it’s best to consult with your doctor beforehand.
  • Avoid aspirin as it may affect milk supply.

Taking the right pain medication while breastfeeding is crucial for both you and your baby’s health. Always speak to a healthcare professional before making any decisions about what medications to take.

7. Consulting with a Lactation Consultant or Doctor

When I was experiencing breastfeeding pain, seeking guidance from a lactation consultant for proper latching techniques made all the difference.

Even though it felt awkward at first, the consultant helped me adjust my technique and avoid further discomfort.

breastfeeding pain relief consultation with a doctor

If pain persists even after trying remedies at home, scheduling an appointment with a physician can provide helpful medical advice and additional solutions.

It’s important to remember that every mother’s breastfeeding experience is unique, so don’t be afraid to seek professional help if needed.

Lactation consultants and doctors are there to support you on your breastfeeding journey and ensure that both you and your baby are healthy and happy.

Understanding Breastfeeding Pain

Breastfeeding can be a wonderful experience for both you and your baby, but it’s not always easy. Many mothers experience some level of discomfort or pain during the breastfeeding process.

Some examples of discomfort you may experience are discussed in depth below:

Sore Nipples

Proper latching technique is crucial for preventing sore nipples during breastfeeding. This means positioning the baby’s mouth correctly on the breast and ensuring a deep latch.

Using nipple creams or ointments can also provide relief and promote healing, especially if they contain lanolin or hydrogel. 

However, it’s important to avoid using products that may cause further discomfort, such as those with fragrances or preservatives.

Moreover, avoiding tight bras and clothing can help alleviate pressure on the breasts that may contribute to soreness.

Gentle massage and applying heat compresses before nursing sessions can also be helpful in promoting blood flow and soothing any discomfort.

Remember to always prioritize your comfort during breastfeeding to ensure a positive experience for both you and your baby!


When it comes to engorgement, frequent breastfeeding is key. I found that making sure my baby was nursing regularly and effectively helped empty my breasts, reducing discomfort and promoting healing.

I also used compresses to help with the pain – a warm compress before feeding to aid let-down and milk flow, followed by a cold one after feeding to reduce inflammation.

In addition, wearing loose-fitting clothing was important for me in avoiding any constrictions around the breast area. Alongside these methods, gentle massage during feedings can be helpful in moving clogs along the ducts. 

While there are other options like hydrogel pads or lanolin cream available on the market as well, I found that these tips made all of the difference when it came to managing my engorgement discomfort.


When I experienced mastitis, it was excruciating. The first thing my doctor recommended was getting plenty of rest and staying hydrated to help with the healing process.

Applying warm compresses to the affected breast several times a day helped relieve discomfort and promote healing.

mastitis causing breast pain

Taking antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor is crucial for treating mastitis effectively. In addition, massaging the breast gently during feedings can also help alleviate any discomfort or pressure you may feel. 

If you’re looking for additional pain relief options, hydrogel pads or lanolin cream can be helpful in moisturizing and soothing sore nipples caused by breastfeeding-induced trauma.


Breastfeeding can be incredibly painful, especially in the first few weeks. But it’s important to remember that breast milk is the best thing for your baby.

Don’t give up! Seek help and relief for the pain so you can continue to give your baby the nutrients they need. Trust me, it’s worth it in the end.

When it comes to breastfeeding, there is no one-size-fits-all method. Every mother and baby is different, and what works for one may not work for another. That’s why I encourage new mothers to try different methods until they find what works best for them. 

Don’t be discouraged if the first few attempts are difficult – keep trying and don’t give up. With patience and perseverance, you’ll find the right method and experience the joys of breastfeeding..

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